S academic d'Italia (Italy Accademia di Terme) Mercosur plastic artist (Cd - OEA 98, Buenos Aires) Catalogue International d'Art Contemporain, (Lugano, Switzerland.) Centre International dArt Contemporain (Paris) Dictionary Rioplatenses the plastic artist of the Colony to Our Das (Ed. Inca, Buenos Aires) 2000 International Exhibition, 2002, 2005 - Sharjah Arts Museum (UAE). Honorary Member of the Gruppo Artisti Associati (Salerno, Italy). Art BA. Artists Expo 2005, Borges CC, BA. Chambers of Government House in the nation: History - 2005. Artists Expo 2006, Borges CC, BA. X Bienal de Arte Sacro, UCA, Puerto Madero, Buenos Aires, 2006 intelligentsias Lectures on aesthetics and image (75 to 99). Bosquejun vision program for graphic design career (UBA) Integrjurados of Oriental painting rooms, Ryba School) is the painter of the first aid kit Memory (Faculty of Medicine , BA) and the Ark of Arts and Sciences (National Library, BA) treasures ticos culturally relevant to its opening in 100 years. He has conducted various exhibitions of design, drawing, video, painting and sculpture in different countries. And Journal today: http://gurmandi.blogspot.com